Space technology will be the backbone of future digital life and business.
Space Ventures, therefore, invests in start ups and early stage high tech ventures with focus on space related and space enabled technologies.
We focus on Science. Not on Fiction.
Space Ventures focuses on projects with proven technology and a short runway to positive cash flows. We prefer new space technologies, downstream market space enabled businesses on Earth and space technology transfer cases. All business models must be transferable to other countries, scalable to at least market niche leadership and be able to develop sustainable risk-adjusted returns.

Innovative Industry, innovative Investment Model.
Investor's Benefit
Venture's Benefit
"Our vision is to be the leading investment platform and community for space commercialization in Europe"
Invest with the Best.
We provide investment opportunities for financial and strategic investors who want to maintain control over the investments made and the equity invested. The Space Ventures Investors Club is not a closed fund and can be joined by new members at any time.
Corporate Investors
Family Offices
Business Angels (BA)
BA Networks
Venture Capital Investors
Corporate Venture Funds
Fund of funds
For more information and detailed knowledge contact info@spaceventures.org or call +49 (89) 41613743 0

Managing director: Katja Popp Amtsgericht München, HRB 220187
Privacy Policy
Space Ventures is a German capital management company (“AIFM”/Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaft) registered with the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) in accordance with Sec. 44 in connection with Sec. 2 paragraph 4 of the German Capital Investment Act (“KAGB”).
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